Lockdown Lessons


The gears of capitalism are turning again (for now) and we're attempting a return to 'normal,' but I've realized that I can't go back to working/ producing/ existing in the way I did before the covid forced us inside. This time at home has made me so much more aware of myself and the ways that I was neglecting care of myself. I was over extending myself in my work, relationships and expectations of myself and others without carving out the time and space to rest and pay attention to my needs and desires, and to accept myself and others as we are. I realize that I didn't really have the time and mental space to notice what truly brings me joy. I was on autopilot. In survival mode. Reactive to the world and the words and actions of others.

I've learned that you can't pour from an empty cup.

You need to take care of yourself and set healthy boundaries for yourself. Self care for me is spiritual practice, dancing, meditating daily, stretching and doing yoga. It's commiting to my skincare routine and making and growing food. It's going to therapy, writing, reading and making art without thinking of selling it. It's also setting healthy boundaries for myself, and not doing things that I know I don't want to do, or trying to fit into spaces that aren't for me. It's trusting my intuition and learning to forgive myself while being open to all of these beautiful and sometimes painful lessons in life.

I'm learning to love myself better everyday.