One Step at a Time

I’ve been nurturing a few creative projects that I’ll be sharing soon 🌱 I’m learning to be more patient with my process and more trusting of when the timing feels right for me. Less control, less planning, more improv, taking it step by step and allowing the work to show itself to me.


I’m feeling a shift in my creative process. There’s a big difference between working with a clear, logical plan and creating freely & intuitively. Feeling it out instead of letting my mind get in the way with judgements and fears about what I’m about to make before I even get the chance to make it. It’s exhausting to seek perfection, trying to seem like I have it all together when in reality there’s so much magic in the mess, the unknown and the unplanned. It’s so much more fun to let go and be a part of the magic.


For example, I woke up the other day and made a foot, out of clay Trace and I dug up nearby. Logic would have stopped me, because I didn’t have any clear plans for this foot. But here we are, who knows where it’ll end up.
